"WRECKED is so much more than your average 'he said, she said' book. It is about the implications of associations, about the frailty of belief, about the difficulty of speaking up. An incredible story from beginning to end that makes you keep turning page after page."
Rachel Strolle, Anderson's Bookshop
"WRECKED is a powerful story that makes no attempt to define the absolute truth of what happened that night. Instead, it demands that each character, and the reader, decide where to stand, because not taking a stand causes its own damage."
Sara Hines, Eight Cousins
"WRECKED becomes neither a dueling narrative nor an overtly styled teen issues book; instead it is a compelling thriller and fascinating window into a story some of us know all too well and others attempt to willfully ignore."
Johanna Albrecht, Flyleaf Books
"Timely, gripping, and incredibly important, Padian's novel confronts the difficult and often complicated nature of sexual assault on a college campus, as well as the inevitable student discussion and backlash."
Sara Grochowski, Brilliant Books
"Take a deep breath and be prepared that you might not come up for air until you finish this groundbreaking YA book. As thorough and thought-provoking as Krakauer's MISSOULA, this is a vital and significant read. While the theme is serious, there is the most genuine and compelling love story that emerges between two significant characters as they grapple with their roles in the aftermath of the assault."
Jesica Sweedler DeHart, BookPeople of Moscow